Description: Cornmint Essential Oil, derived from the Mentha arvensis plant, is a highly aromatic oil known for its invigorating and minty scent, as well as its therapeutic properties. The plant is a species of mint that belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is native to Asia and Europe. The oil is obtained through steam distillation from the leaves and flowering tops of the cornmint plant.

  1. Aroma: Cornmint Essential Oil features a strong, fresh, and minty aroma with cool undertones that are reminiscent of peppermint oil, although it tends to be slightly milder.
  2. Therapeutic Properties: The oil is known for its therapeutic benefits, which include analgesic (pain-relieving), anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and decongestant properties.
  3. Pain Relief: Cornmint Essential Oil is often used topically to provide relief from muscular pain, headaches, and joint discomfort due to its analgesic properties.
  4. Respiratory Support: The oil’s cooling and decongestant properties make it useful in inhalation blends to help alleviate respiratory congestion and promote clearer breathing.
  5. Mental Alertness: The invigorating aroma of Cornmint Essential Oil can help promote mental clarity, focus, and alertness.
  6. Digestive Aid: When diluted and applied topically to the abdominal area, the oil might assist in relieving digestive discomfort and bloating.
  7. Cooling Sensation: Due to its menthol content, Cornmint Essential Oil provides a cooling sensation when applied to the skin, making it a common ingredient in pain-relieving balms and gels.

Botanical Name: Mentha Arvensis

Plant Part: Leaves

Extraction Method: Steam distilled

Odor and Appearance: Freshly extracted oil is thin and clear, with a tinge of yellow. Its aroma is hot, rich, perfumery, herbaceous, and very minty.

Country of origin: India

Main Constituents: Menthol, Menthone, and Isomenthone

Common Uses: Commonly used in aromatherapy to boost energy and focus, it offers analgesic benefits for pain relief when massaged onto sore muscles and joints. Its cooling properties make it helpful for respiratory issues and skin irritations. Diluted applications may soothe digestion discomfort, while its insect-repelling nature finds use in natural repellents.

Note: Top note

Blends well with: Basil, lavender, cypress, rosemary, lemon, and tea tree essential oils.

Contraindications: They precaution against using it topically near the face of children and infants. Cornmint is only meant for external use. Ingestion, especially in large doses, may lead to harmful side effects. Cornmint is best used with a carrier oil for direct skin contact. People with sensitive skin should perform a skin patch test to check for any allergic reactions. It is also essential to avoid applications near sensitive areas like the eyes and ears. This oil must not be used together with any anticoagulant medication because it can hasten its effects and cause excessive bleeding. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and those with cholestasis should also avoid cornmint oil.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.*

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